5 Stupid Things I Said Before I Was a Mom

 Tuesday, November 8, 2011

1. "I'm not going to let my kids watch TV very much."

[Freaking out because she loves Shrek so much...]

2. "I think it will be very good for me to be a stay-at-home mom for a while. I need that break - my life has been too busy lately."

[Yes, I do take parenting tips...checks can be mailed to my home address.]

3. "Boy, I'm tired."

[Nothing can compare to the way I felt after giving birth]

4. "We don't really plan on using a pacifier. I doubt I will really need it"

[Yeah...not sure what I would have done without her Paci]

5. "No way am I ever going to "let myself go" once I become a mom. Why would anyone want to do that anyways?"

[Although I had several horrible photos to choose from, I decided against purposely humiliating myself in public this time]

6. "Wow, I feel so guilty that Josh has to go to work all day while I get to stay home and play with our sweet baby."

[Hahaha yikes. Can't believe I really said this one]


Jbird November 8, 2011 at 2:23 PM  

THIS IS AWESOME!!!!! Hahahaha. "Addison. Addison. Sit. Sit. SIT. SIT DOOWNN." Although my favorite part is the stick figure with her raggedy hair and her raggedy eyebrows. So funny.

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