My Big News

 Wednesday, March 28, 2012

If you know me, or have even just read the "about me" section of my blog, you know I love learning and school is one of my favorite places to be. I have been a history teacher/professor for the past seven years and have had so much fun getting to know some awesome students while (trying) to make history a little interesting and creative.

I also have a huge passion for theater - especially acting and directing. Before going down the path of becoming a history teacher, I earned a BA in Theater from Meredith College in Raleigh, NC and was a theater teacher for a brief period of time.

Well I am thrilled to say that I am returning to my first love of theater and the arts. I was recently accepted into the MA in Theater Education program at Emerson College here in Boston and will be going to Emerson full-time this Fall. I. Am. Excited! =)


Another FYI...

 Saturday, March 24, 2012

This is why this is not a parenting blog:

The way Addison's crayons are supposed to look...

The way Addison's crayons actually look.


Sunny Days

 Friday, March 23, 2012


Old Man Winter

 Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I realized today that I have a major problem.
One of my biggest fears about moving to Boston was the dreaded winters I'd heard so much about. I love being outside, so the thought of spending all of my waking hours fighting the snow and ice was not something I was looking forward to.
Boston gets an average of 42.2 inches of snowfall each year (compared to 7.5 in my hometown of Raleigh, NC). All of my new friends had warned me that in November, the city
turns white and pretty much stays that way until spring. Last January, they had
44 inches of snow in the month of January alone!
But this year has been curiously different. According to one Boston Globe correspondent, this
winter has been the second warmest winter on record. So far, we have only had a total of 9 inches of snow to complain about.
So what's the problem?
It has been miserably cold. 
I have been miserable and cold. (Wait, didn't I just say this has been the second warmest winter on record?).
Yep. I'm in trouble. For some reason, I am just not all that impressed with the 30-40 degree windy weather that everyone around me keeps describing as "warm". And if it is really going to be 20 degrees outside, can't we at least get some snow on the ground that is deep enough to play in?
Well, when all is said and done, I really am glad that Old Man Winter was kind to me my first
year in New England. Maybe we are pals and the "warm" weather will stick around for a couple of years...
We've had a little snow on the ground! 

I actually bought Addison several snowsuits and boots
in preparation for the "awful winter ahead" ...Good thing
I was able to return some of them.


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