A New Challenge
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
If you know anything about Addison and the past ten months of our lives, you know that it has been anything but easy. Both me and Addison have faced a lot of health problems and every day has been a challenge. She has really bad reflux (at times spitting up more than 30 times per day) and we have also had to work through some pretty severe torticollis. This has kept her from sleeping regularly and she is often fussy and screaming throughout the day.
BUT we have had a lot of success lately with some new supplements from the doctor. She has been taking naps more regularly and is catching up on some of her baby milestones. She even started crawling this past week!
Yay for crawling!! Or so I thought...
My beautiful-but-acts-like-she-is-on-caffeine baby girl learned how to crawl and it is the only thing she wants to do in her crib during nap time.
So I let her. She is now fussing, crying, screaming, and crawling her way to a nap.
Monday was especially exciting because Addison refused to go to sleep for hours. When she did finally get quiet, I went in to check on her and found a sleeping baby in a hunched over position. I think she fell asleep sitting up and kind of toppled forward...
She did the same thing in the afternoon - except this time she only fell asleep for 15 minutes and then woke up screaming in pain. I rushed to her room and found her sitting up in the crib (still half asleep) with weird marks on her face. It looked as if she had leaned her head against the crib railing/bumpers and had fallen asleep that way.
Hmmmm so much for nap time so that I can get things organized for our move. This will be very interesting...
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