The Dentist: Part One

 Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tomorrow I am getting my wisdom teeth removed. I am opting to do "partial sedation" during the procedure and have tons of paperwork to fill out in order to acknowledge the risks involved.

I must admit, I am feeling pretty nervous.

Especially as I go through all this paperwork and see all the different things that could/might/but probably won't go wrong. And then there is this statement in number two that is really bugging me….

#2. I understand that conscious sedation is a drug induced state of awareness and decreased ability to respond.
 My ability to respond normally returns when the effects of the sedative wear off.

Can someone tell me where the emphasis is supposed to go in that last sentence?

Should I read it as...

A. My ability to respond normally returns when the effects of the sedative wear off.


B. My ability to respond normally [but not always] returns when the effects of the sedative wear off.



 Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This is why this is not a cooking blog:


5 Stupid Things I Said Before I Was a Mom

 Tuesday, November 8, 2011

1. "I'm not going to let my kids watch TV very much."

[Freaking out because she loves Shrek so much...]

2. "I think it will be very good for me to be a stay-at-home mom for a while. I need that break - my life has been too busy lately."

[Yes, I do take parenting tips...checks can be mailed to my home address.]

3. "Boy, I'm tired."

[Nothing can compare to the way I felt after giving birth]

4. "We don't really plan on using a pacifier. I doubt I will really need it"

[Yeah...not sure what I would have done without her Paci]

5. "No way am I ever going to "let myself go" once I become a mom. Why would anyone want to do that anyways?"

[Although I had several horrible photos to choose from, I decided against purposely humiliating myself in public this time]

6. "Wow, I feel so guilty that Josh has to go to work all day while I get to stay home and play with our sweet baby."

[Hahaha yikes. Can't believe I really said this one]



 Monday, November 7, 2011

Its funny how your expectations shift with time...

When I found out I was pregnant, I rushed out to the store to buy this book. I read it religiously every day and would even re-read some sections if I wasn't sure I understood it all.

After Addison was born, a dear friend purchased this book for me. I read it about once a month and enjoyed staying informed on baby milestones.

Although I am sure this book is very good, I decided to just borrow it from the library for a few days. I think I glanced at it once or twice and then returned it along with a "Baby Einstein" DVD and Dr. Seuss Book (both of which have turned out to be much more helpful when it comes to keeping me sane on a daily basis...)


First Trip to Fenway

 Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Back in August we took our first trip to Fenway!

It was amazing to be in Fenway Park and experience all the glory that is Red Sox. We were there for the 2011 "Futures at Fenway"to see the Red Sox AA affiliate (Portland Sea Dogs) take on the New York Mets AA team. We had a fabulous time and hope to return to a real Red Sox game soon.


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